Also see the fauna page; it's too long to include here.
The currently known area is the continent of Avis, and its surrounding islands.

For simplicity, Myvstrican is just English with a different script, but pretend it's an actually different language in-universe.

Many of Myvstrica's species can use magic. Magic-users generally know one or two specific types of magic. So not "common magic", but just "telekinesis" or "potion making", if that makes sense.
The most common types of magic are fitting for the basic things necessary for Myvstrica's society, such as stuff related to food or shelter. Magic that seems to only be useful for entertainment is also quite common.
Examples: telekinesis, helping plants grow (for food), adding spices n such to food or turning ingredients into finished dishes with just spells, "solid" magic (generally for building scaffoldings and such), fireworks, light sources, etc.
Uncommon magic types include things related to medicine, combat, and enchantments. These are less common, but still somewhat important for the society.
Examples: magic that helps find useful herbs, making potions or other types of medicine basically, summoning weapons or shields (again out of "solid" magic, the diference is that the common types cannot hurt living creatures), some kind of attack made out of Pure Magic, enchantments, flight, moderate temperature control.
The least common type of magic is elemental magic. Myvstricans are very rarely able to actually learn to use it, and instead it is something that sometimes just happens to them. Elemental magic either appears naturally during childhood, or is caused by some kind of accident/blessing/other event during later life. The way this type of magic is used tends to overlap with the more common types.
Examples: direct control over elements, such as moving water, dirt/ground, fire, or just air around, starting fires, controlling the temperature or levitating things on a larger scale, flying AND levitating other things/creatures or giving them the abiliy to fly, forming ice, etc.