Mosstags are smaller relatives of crystags. They have generally goat-like bodies, complete with cloven hooves. They have a vestigial third eye which never opens and can be covered up. Their necks are covered in long, fluffy fur, and their tails are short and equally fluffy. Mosstags grow rocks on them as they grow up; young mosstags eat rocks, which are then dissolved with magic in their stomachs, and the same materials are used to grow the rocks on their backs and heads. They also often have moss growing on their bodies, hence their name.
Mosstags tend to live in forests, especially in mountains, however they enjoy travelling, so they can really be found anywhere. They usually live and travel in groups of a couple families, however some mosstags are more solitary than others. They're very friendly, and most Myvstricans let mosstag travellers stay in their homes if they need a break. That is, except crystags, who tend to have a bit of a superiority complex towards their less shiny cousins. Many mosstags just ignore it, though.